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marriage counselling

The increasing complexity of couple relationships today means that relationships and marriages are more prone to problems than ever before, especially in a modern city such as Singapore. Issues such as infidelity, financial stressors, parenting differences and lack of sexual intimacy may lead couples into arguments which can be detrimental to any marital relationships.

Here are some problems commonly experienced by married couples:

  • Feeling betrayed
  • Filled with anger towards your spouse
  • Frequent conflicts during normal conversation
  • Absence of communication
  • Feeling not appreciated or taken for granted
  • Not being understood
  • Constantly being criticised, put down or humiliated by your spouse
  • Being abused emotionally, physically or mentally
  • Presence of infidelity or extra marital affairs within a marriage

When should you seek marital and relationship counselling?

The decision to seek marriage counselling can be difficult but is often necessary in order to preserve the relationship.

You should strongly consider to seek relationship counselling when:

  • Your mood is severely affected that affects your daily functioning be it at home or at work
  • Your relationship with your partner is deteriorating to the point where you are entertaining the thoughts of a divorce
  • You are taking out your anger on your children
  • You’re experiencing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression due to your relationship
  • You have tried communication techniques on your own but haven’t been able to solve any of the underlying problems.

Benefits of couple counselling in Singapore

Marriage and couple therapy provides spouses with an opportunity to explore the underlying issues causing conflict within their relationship in a safe environment where judgement is absent, allowing them to speak freely about their feelings without fear of recrimination.

Couples seeking professional help often arrive feeling overwhelmed by the difficulty facing them yet leave with renewed commitment towards finding peace and harmony within their partnership after a few sessions of counselling. Through the application of various psychotherapy approaches by our qualified therapist, both parties will gain insight into each other’s perspectives while also developing new strategies for handling disputes constructively. With this knowledge comes greater understanding among spouses which often lead to increased trust and improved communication overall.

The Typical Couple Therapy Process

It is essential for those considering counselling to understand what the process entails. The primary aim of such sessions is not necessarily solving an immediate problem, but rather helping partners learn how to resolve future disagreements more amicably. During sessions, each partner should feel comfortable expressing themselves without fear of criticism or judgement from their spouse. Counselling also enables them to identify patterns which have become entrenched over time as well as unconscious behaviours that may be contributing towards negative outcomes within the relationship dynamics.

The first step in the counselling session is to assess each partner’s needs and goals. This includes identifying areas where there are conflicts between them, exploring what kinds of solutions have been attempted before, and understanding how both partners handle emotions related to relationship conflict at hand. Additionally, our counsellor will discuss topics related to intimacy, trust, commitment, financial security, parenting styles, and cultural values.

When addressing challenging topics during couple counselling, some discomfort will likely arise; however, this should not impede progress if managed appropriately by both individuals and our marriage counsellor. It is important that both partners remain open-minded throughout the process so they are able to accept potential changes in perspective while remaining aware of each other’s needs and wants in terms of sustaining long-term marital satisfaction.

During subsequent sessions with our therapist, couples work together to explore potential solutions that could help them improve their relationship. These might include learning effective communication techniques, developing problem-solving strategies, creating new boundaries or expectations within the relationship, discussing past traumas or experiences that contribute to current dynamics between partners; resolving conflicts through mutual agreement rather than power struggles; overcoming differences caused by family background; setting achievable goals; working on individual growth plans; and building self-confidence and autonomy when appropriate. Couples will learn how to listen actively while speaking respectfully without judgment or criticism towards each other.

In addition to helping couples address current problems, our marriage therapist may also provide additional advice and guidance related to topics such as parenting styles, financial planning, sexuality concerns, infidelity, mental health issues and family relationships. Through this process, couples can gain increased insight into themselves and their partner which could lead to greater satisfaction in all aspects of life.

What can you do if your partner does not want to see a therapist?

Trying to get an uninterested partner to agree to couples counselling can be like trying to herd cats – frustrating and seemingly impossible. If your partner is reluctant or adamantly refuses, it’s important not to take their refusal personally; understand that they may simply feel uncomfortable talking about emotions with a third party. There are several steps you can take in order to try and convince them of the worthiness of seeking help from an outside source.

Firstly, encourage open dialogues between both parties regarding what each one expects out of therapy. Explain why you think couples counselling could benefit the relationship, but also listen carefully as your partner expresses their concerns. Acknowledge any doubts or worries they have so that they know you’re listening and understanding their point of view. This should hopefully create more trust between the two of you and give your partner greater confidence in discussing matters further during sessions with a trained professional.

Secondly, emphasize how counseling can strengthen the connection between both partners rather than weaken it. Reassure them that no matter what issues come up during these discussions, your commitment towards the relationship will remain strong throughout the process. Additionally, explain how attending couples therapy doesn’t mean either person has done something wrong; instead, it shows maturity by being willing to address potential problems openly before they become too difficult for either one of you to handle alone.

Finally, offer assurance that all conversations conducted within therapy sessions remain confidential unless permission is granted otherwise. With this knowledge in mind, your partner should hopefully feel less anxious about speaking honestly without fear of judgement or repercussion. If necessary, suggest ways in which communication can still happen even if one half isn’t completely on board yet such as seeing a counselor individually until your significant other feels ready enough to join later on down the line.

Will marital counselling service help resolve all your marriage problems?

Couples often encounter issues that can be difficult to resolve peacefully. Marriage counselling and couple therapy are two approaches which help couples communicate more effectively and find solutions for their problems.

Often times, counseling may not fully resolve all problems faced by couples; however, it can provide helpful insight to create understanding of different perspectives as well as address underlying issues causing distress within the relationship. Furthermore, with guidance from our experienced counsellor, couples learn valuable skills such as active listening and compromise which they can use when facing various challenges in their relationship. In addition, engaging in regular sessions helps build trust between partners and develop positive coping strategies to navigate through potential difficulties in the future.

As any professional counsellor would suggest, marriage therapy should only be used if both individuals are willing to put effort into creating a healthy partnership together. It is important for each person to understand that these forms of support take time to produce effective results and it requires patience on everyone’s part. By committing themselves wholeheartedly towards this process, couples increase their chances of achieving better outcomes in the long run.

How long does it take to see positive results?

The length of time for positive results to be seen through couple therapy can vary greatly depending on the individual situation. It is important to understand that couples may not always experience immediate change after only a few sessions. There are many factors affecting the speed at which progress can be made.

In some cases, it may take a number of weeks before any form of significant change has occurred while other couples may find resolution quite quickly. Nevertheless, no matter how long it takes to see tangible improvements, counsellors strive towards helping individuals work together in an effective manner so that they can achieve lasting harmony regardless of the initial circumstances.

Make an appointment

In conclusion, the journey to a successful marriage or couple relationship is never an easy one. Professional counselling can be the solution for couples in distress, as it provides guidance on how to communicate effectively with each other. With commitment from both parties, it can be beneficial for any couple who wishes to improve their communication, strengthen their bond, and work through conflicts more effectively.

If you’re facing challenges in your marriage or relationship, know that you don’t have to navigate them alone. Seeking professional help is a courageous step toward rebuilding trust, improving communication and fostering a stronger connection with your partner. Our experienced marriage counsellor provides a safe, non-judgmental space to explore your concerns and discover effective solutions together. Whether you’re dealing with conflicts, emotional disconnection, or deeper issues, taking the first step by reaching out can make all the difference. Don’t wait for problems to escalate – Make an Appointment or WhatsApp us at +65 9832 4947 for a quicker response to begin your journey toward a healthier, happier relationship. Appointments are available for in-person or online counselling services in Singapore.

The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, video, and other material in this article are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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